
Etiological research GEOCAP

GEOCAP program

The overall aim of the GEOCAP program is to study the influence of environmental exposures on childhood cancer risk, based on the spatial coordinates of the place of residence.

The program is based on 2 ongoing national case-control studies integrated into the CCOP, GEOCAP-Diag, which began in 2002 and focuses on address of residence at diagnosis, and GEOCAP-Birth, which began in 2010 and focuses on address of residence at birth. Each year, the GEOCAP-Diag control group includes around 5,000 addresses representative of the French paediatric population. The GEOCAP-Birth control group includes around 2,000 addresses per year, representative of French births.

All addresses are geocoded in Lambert 93 coordinates using information from IGN’s BD Adresse® database (version 2.2), supplemented by information from Google Streetview, Géoportail, Google Maps, the land registry and for the most complex situations. Geocoding is carried out simultaneously for cases and witnesses by RetailSonar, which has the addresses to the exclusion of any other information.

The children’s contact details, supplemented by information on age, sex, year of inclusion and diagnosis where applicable, are processed in a geographic information system to assign the estimated environmental exposures at their address to each individual.

Regulatory aspects

CNIL National Registry of Malignant Haemopathies in Children (no. 998198) and National Registry of Solid Tumours in Children (no. 900183)

Geocap notice Ref GD/CE072347. GEOCAP-AGRI receipt 2077682 v 0.


Public Health France, National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES), National Research Agency (ANR) – Future Investment HOPE-EPI, ARC Foundation for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute (INCa), Canceropole of Île-de-France, EDF, Pfizer Foundation.

Principal investigators

Jacqueline Clavel and Stéphanie Goujon

IRSN, RTE, Santé publique France, INRAE, IRSET, SWIS TPH, AIR PARIF, ATMO France

Objective: to study the risk of cancer in children living near crops

Financing : ANSES, INCa-PEDIAC

Collaborations: Santé publique France

➝ Exposure at time of diagnosis, period 2006-2013

Main results: increased risk of leukemia and, to a lesser extent, neuroblastoma in children living near vineyards:

Mancini M, Hemon D, de Crouy-Chanel P, Guldner L, Faure L, Clavel J, Goujon S. Association between Residential Proximity to Viticultural Areas and Childhood Acute Leukemia Risk in Mainland France: GEOCAP Case-Control Study, 2006-2013.Environ Health Perspect, 2023;131(10):107008

Awounou D, Mancini M, Lacour B, de Crouy-Chanel P, Aerts I, Minard-Colin V, Schleiermacher G, Verschuur A, Guissou S, Desandes E, Guldner L, Clavel J, Goujon S. Residential proximity to vines and risk of childhood embryonal tumours in France – GEOCAP case-control study, 2006-2013.Environ Res. 2023 Oct 19:117417.

Coste A, Goujon S, Faure L, Hemon D, Clavel J. Agricultural crop density in the municipalities of France and incidence of childhood leukemia: An ecological study. Environ Res. 2020;187:109517.


Objective: study the risk of childhood cancer in relation to traffic-related air pollutants

Financing : ANSES, INCa-PEDIAC

Collaborations: IRSET UMRS Inserm 1085, AirParif, Swiss TPH, Cohorte CONSTANCES, AtmoFrance

➝ Exposure at time of diagnosis, period 2002-2020 – GEOCAP-Air

In progress

➝ Exposure at birth, period 2010-2015

Main results: increased risk of acute leukemia with air pollution indicators (especially PM2.5) – no increased risk near roads

(article in preparation)

➝ Exposure at time of diagnosis, period 2002-2007

Main results: increased risk of acute myeloblastic leukemia in children living near high-traffic roads

Houot J, Marquant F, Goujon S, Faure L, Honoré C, Roth MH, Hémon D, Clavel J. Residential proximity to heavy-traffic roads, benzene exposure, and childhood leukemia-the GEOCAP study, 2002-2007. Am J Epidemiol 2015; 182(8):685-93.

Objective : to study the risk of cancer in children as a function of variations in exposure to radon and telluric gamma rays of natural origin.

Financing : ANSES, ARC, INCa, ANR

Collaborations: IRSN

➝ Exposure at time of diagnosis

Main results: no association between the risk of leukemia and the level of exposure to naturally-occurring ionizing radiation in the commune of residence at diagnosis – doubt about a possible link between exposure to naturally-occurring gamma radiation and pilocytic astrocytomas.

Demoury C, Marquant F, Ielsch G, Goujon S, Debayle C, Faure L, Coste A, Laurent O, Guillevic J, Laurier D, Hémon D, Clavel J. Residential Exposure to Natural Background Radiation and Risk of Childhood Acute Leukemia in France, 1990-2009. Environ Health Perspect. 2017 Apr;125(4):714-720.

Berlivet J, Hemon D, Clero E, Ielsch G, Laurier D, Guissou S, Lacour B, Clavel J, Goujon S. Ecological association between residential natural background radiation exposure and the incidence rate of childhood central nervous system tumors in France, 2000-2012. J Environ Radioact. 2020;211:106071.

➝ Exposure at the time of birth

Main results: no association between the risk of leukemia and the level of exposure to naturally occurring ionizing radiation in the commune of residence at birth.

Berlivet J, Hemon D, Clero E, Ielsch G, Laurier D, Faure L, Clavel J, Goujon S. Residential exposure to natural background radiation at birth and risk of childhood acute leukemia in France, 1990-2009. J Environ Radioact. 2021;233:106613.

Working with IRSN

Objective : to study the risk of leukemia in children living in the immediate vicinity of high-voltage power lines, and to investigate the influence of the magnetic fields generated by these lines as the current passes through them.

Financing : ANSES, ARC, INCa, ANR

Collaborations: RTE

➝ Extremely low-frequency magnetic fields and the risk of acute childhood leukemia (2002-2013)

In progress

➝ Proximity to high-voltage power lines at diagnosis and acute childhood leukemia (2002-2007)

Main results: slight increase in the risk of leukemia in children living within 50 m of an extra-high-voltage power line

Sermage-Faure C, Demoury C, Rudant J, Goujon-Bellec S, Guyot-Goubin A, Deschamps F, Hemon D, Clavel J. Childhood leukemia close to high voltage power lines – the Geocap study, 2002-2007. Br J Cancer, 2013;108(9):1899-906.

Amoon AT, Crespi CM, Ahlbom A, Bhatnagar M, Bray I, Bunch KJ, Clavel J, Feychting M, Hemon D, Johansen C, Kreis C, Malagoli C, Marquant F, Pedersen C, Raaschou-Nielsen O, Roosli M, Spycher BD, Sudan M, Swanson J, Tittarelli A, Tuck DM, Tynes T, Vergara X, Vinceti M, Wunsch-Filho V, Kheifets L. Proximity to overhead power lines and childhood leukaemia: an international pooled analysis. Br J Cancer. 2018;119(3):364-73.

Objective : to study the influence of UV exposure on the risk of childhood leukemia.

Financing : ANSES, ARC, INCa, ANR


Main results: suggestions of an increased risk of leukemia in children living in municipalities with the highest UV exposure

Coste A, Hémon D, Orsi L, Boniol M, Doré JF, Faure L, Clavel J, Goujon S. Residential exposure to ultraviolet light and risk of precursor B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia: assessing the role of individual risk factors, the ESCALE and ESTELLE studies. Cancer Causes Control. 2017 Oct;28(10):1075-1083.

Coste A, Goujon S, Boniol M, Marquant F, Faure L, Dore JF, Hemon D, Clavel J. Residential exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation and incidence of childhood hematological malignancies in France.Cancer Causes Control, 2015;26(9):1339-49 PMID:26169300.

Objective : to study the risk of leukemia in children living within 20 km of a nuclear power plant, and the influence of exposure to radioactive releases

Financing : ANSES, ARC, INCa, ANR

Collaborations: IRSN

Main results: increased risk of acute leukemia in children living within 5 km of a nuclear power plant, but no association with radioactive releases from the plants

Sermage-Faure C, Laurier D, Goujon-Bellec S, Chartier M, Guyot-Goubin A, Rudant J, Hémon D, Clavel J. Childhood leukemia around French nuclear power plants–theGeocap study, 2002-2007. Int J Cancer 2012;131(5):E769-80. 

Clavel J, Sermage-Faure C, Goujon-Bellec S, Rudant J, Guyot-Goubin A, Chartier M, Laurier D, Hémon D. Childhood leukemia around French nuclear power plants – the Geocap study, 2002-2007 – responses to letters. Int J Cancer 2012.