The National Registry of Childhood Cancers (RNCE) is made up of 2 qualified registries: the National Registry of Malignant Hematological Diseases in Children (RNHE), located at the Paul Brousse Hospital in Villejuif, and the National Registry of Solid Tumors in Children (RNTSE), located at the Nancy University Hospital.
Brigitte Lacour
MD, Epidémiologiste Directrice du RNTSE
Jacqueline Clavel
MD, PhD, HDR, Epidémiologiste Directrice du RNHE
Danielle Awounou
PhD, Post-doctorante
Myriam Belhaj Slimane
Gestionnaire administrative
Claire Berger
MD, PhD, HDR, Oncopédiatre
Audrey Bonaventure
MD, PhD, HDR, Epidémiologiste
Léonie Casagranda
Ingénieur de recherche clinique
Lou Chaves-Ferreira
Data manager
Alix Compant la Fontaine
Attachée de recherche clinique spécialisée
Aurélie Danjou
PhD, MPH, Epidémiologiste
Emmanuel Desandes
MD, Epidémiologiste
Tenimba Diarra
Laure Faure
PharmD, Coordinatrice du RNHE
Karine Feuerstose
Opératrice de saisie
Stéphanie Goujon
PhD, HDR, Epidémiologiste
Sandra Guissou
Coordinatrice du RNTSE
Latifa Idbrik
Pharm, Cheffe de projet
Brenda Mallon
Matthieu Mancini
Elissa Msallem
Lynda Nasri
Data manager
Fatou Ndiaye
Françoise Piron
Gestionnaire administrative
Claire Poulalhon
MD, PhD, Epidémiologiste
Paula Rios
MD, PhD, Epidémiologiste
Charlotte Salmon
PhD, Epidémiologiste
Nicolas Simon
Responsable Data Management
Nizar Tangour
Lucie Vignon
PharmD, Cheffe de projet