Childhood cancer is a rare disease, affecting approximately 1,800 children under the age of 15 each year in metropolitan France (about one newborn out of 440 will be diagnosed with cancer before the age of 15).
The distribution of childhood cancers by histological type and location is very different from that of adults, notably with very few carcinomas. This is why incidence and survival are described according to a specific classification, theInternational Classification of Childhood Cancer (ICCC), 3rd version.
Incidence statistics
The crude incidence rate for a given period and age group is estimated by dividing the number of new cases in this age group during this period by the number of people in this age group in the French population during this period.
The direct standardization method was used to estimate the age-standardized incidence rate (ASR: Aged Standardised incidence Ratio), i.e. the incidence rate one would expect to find in the population if it had the same age composition as a standard “reference” population. The reference age structure is that of the world population, which assigns weights of, respectively, to the age groups, <1 year, 1-4 years, 5-9 years, 10-14 years (Waterhouse J et al. eds. Cancer incidence in five continents, Lyon, IARC, 1976).
The cumulative incidence rate, which measures the risk of developing cancer between birth and age 15, was estimated from crude incidence rates by age group.
The temporal evolution of childhood cancer incidence, in particular the estimation of the percentage mean annual variation (MAV), was assessed using a Poisson regression model.
Annual average number of cases (N), crude, standardized, and cumulative annual incidence rates per million, and sex ratio of childhood cancers in metropolitan France (2014-2020*)
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Average annual number of cases (N), crude, standardized, and cumulative annual incidence rates per million up to 15 years old, and sex ratio of childhood cancers in metropolitan France (2014-2020*).
< 1 y 1-4 y 5-9 y 10-14 y 15-17 y N/y IR N/y IR N/y IR N/y IR N/y IR I. Leukemias, myeloproliferative diseases, and myelodysplastic diseases 28 39,5 221 74,4 151 37,9 111 27,7 68 28,2 Ia. Lymphoid leukemias 11 15,2 192 64,5 123 30,9 79 19,6 43 18 Ib. Acute myeloid leukemias 10 14,6 22 7,5 20 5 22 5,5 15 6,2 II. Lymphomas and reticuloendothelial neoplasms 3 4,9 22 7,3 59 14,8 116 29 129 53,8 IIa. Hodgkin lymphomas 0 0 2 0,6 17 4,4 73 18,2 99 41,2 IIb. Non-Hodgkin lymphomas (except Burkitt lymphomas) 1 1,2 7 2,5 17 4,4 29 7,2 24 10,2 IIc. Burkitt lymphomas 0 0,2 10 3,2 24 6 13 3,2 4 1,7 III. CNS and miscellaneous intracranial and intraspinal neoplasms 25 35,6 151 50,6 168 42,2 142 35,3 75 31,2 IIIa. Ependymomas and choroid plexus tumors 4 6,3 19 6,3 10 2,4 7 1,9 6 2,5 IIIb. Astrocytomas 8 11,3 65 21,7 58 14,5 47 11,8 23 9,7 IIIc. Intracranial and intraspinal embryonal tumors 6 8,7 34 11,4 32 8 17 4,1 6 2,4 IIId. Other gliomas 3 3,6 16 5,3 32 8,1 22 5,6 10 4,1 IIIe. Other specified intracranial and intraspinal neoplasms 3 4,3 15 5 34 8,6 46 11,5 29 12,1 IV. Neuroblastomas and other peripheral nervous cell tumors 47 66 60 20,2 17 4,2 6 1,5 2 0,9 IVa. Neuroblastomas and ganglioneuroblastomas 47 66 60 20,1 16 4,1 4 1 1 0,5 V. Retinoblastomas 21 29,3 27 8,9 3 0,7 0 0 0 0 VI. Renal tumors 12 17 55 18,6 19 4,7 6 1,5 3 1,3 VIa. Nephroblastomas and other nonepithelial renal tumors 12 17 55 18,4 18 4,5 3 0,8 1 0,4 VII. Hepatic tumors 6 7,9 9 3 3 0,7 2 0,5 2 1 VIIa. Hepatoblastomas 5 7,3 8 2,8 2 0,6 1 0,1 0 0,1 VIII. Malignant bone tumors 1 1,6 4 1,4 23 5,8 61 15,1 41 17,3 VIIIa. Osteosarcomas 0 0 1 0,3 9 2,4 32 8,1 22 9,2 VIIIc. Ewing tumors and related bone sarcomas 1 1,2 3 0,9 12 3,1 26 6,4 16 6,8 IX. Soft tissue and other extraosseous sarcomas 11 15,4 33 11 30 7,5 33 8,2 26 11 IXa. Rhabdomyosarcomas 4 6,1 25 8,3 18 4,6 12 2,9 11 4,6 IXb. Fibrosarcomas, peripheral nerve sheath tumors, and other fibrous neoplasms 3 3,6 1 0,3 2 0,5 3 0,8 3 1,3 IXd. Other specified soft tissue sarcomas 3 4,9 6 1,9 7 1,8 14 3,6 10 4,1 IXe. Unspecified soft tissue sarcomas 1 0,8 1 0,4 2 0,6 4 1 2 0,8 X. Germ-cell tumors, trophoblastic tumors, and neoplasms of gonads 14 19,6 10 3,3 12 3,1 28 6,9 30 12,7 Xa. Intracranial and intraspinal germ cell tumors 1 1,6 3 1,1 7 1,8 13 3,1 6 2,5 Xb. Malignant extracranial and extragonadal germ cell tumors 11 15,6 4 1,3 0 0,1 0 0,1 2 0,8 Xc. Malignant gonadal germ cell tumors 2 2,2 3 1 5 1,2 13 3,2 21 9 XI. Other malignant epithelial neoplasms and malignant melanomas 1 1,4 6 1,9 14 3,6 44 11 65 27,1 XIb. Thyroid carcinomas 0 0,6 1 0,3 4 1,1 18 4,4 34 14,3 XId. Malignant melanomas 0 0 2 0,7 3 0,6 4 0,9 8 3,2 XII. Other and unspecified malignant neoplasms 2 2,2 3 1 0 0,1 1 0,3 1 0,5 Total 170 240,4 600 201,6 498 125,1 550 137,2 443 185,1 Annual number of cases (N), age specific annual incidence rates (IR), mainland France 2014-2020. -
Average annual number of cases (N), specific annual incidence rate per million children (TI), by age group of childhood cancers in metropolitan France (2014-2020*).
Diagnostic groups and subgroups N Crude ASR Cumulative Sex ratio I. Leukemias, myeloproliferative diseases, and myelodysplastic diseases 511 43,8 46,4 664,9 1,2 Ia. Lymphoid leukemias 404 34,6 36,8 525,6 1,2 Ib. Acute myeloid leukemias 75 6,4 6,7 97,1 1,1 Ic. Chronic myeloproliferative diseases 9 0,8 0,7 11,9 1 Id. Myelodysplastic syndromes and other myeloproliferative diseases 16 1,4 1,6 21,7 1,4 Ie. Unspecified and other specified leukemias 7 0,6 0,6 8,7 1,3 II. Lymphomas and reticuloendothelial neoplasms 200 17,2 15,8 253,1 1,8 IIa. Hodgkin lymphomas 92 7,9 6,9 115,4 1,3 IIb. Non-Hodgkin lymphomas (except Burkitt lymphomas) 55 4,7 4,4 69,2 1,7 IIc. Burkitt lymphomas 46 4 3,9 59 4,9 IId. Miscellaneous lymphoreticular neoplasms 6 0,6 0,6 8,4 0,8 IIe. Unspecified lymphomas 1 0,1 0,1 1 0,5 III. CNS and miscellaneous intracranial and intraspinal neoplasms 485 41,6 42,3 625,3 1,1 IIIa. Ependymomas and choroid plexus tumors 40 3,5 3,8 53 1,3 IIIb. Astrocytomas 178 15,2 15,7 229,6 0,9 IIIc. Intracranial and intraspinal embryonal tumors 89 7,6 8 114,8 1,4 IIId. Other gliomas 73 6,3 6,2 93,3 1 IIIe. Other specified intracranial and intraspinal neoplasms 98 8,4 8 124,8 1,1 IIIf. Unspecified intracranial and intraspinal neoplasms 7 0,6 0,7 9,6 1,3 IV. Neuroblastomas and other peripheral nervous cell tumors 129 11,1 13,1 175,3 1 IVa. Neuroblastomas and ganglioneuroblastomas 126 10,8 12,9 171,9 1 IVb. Other peripheral nervous cell tumors 3 0,2 0,2 3,4 0,8 V. Retinoblastomas 50 4,3 5,2 68,4 1 VI. Renal tumors 92 7,9 9 122,4 0,7 VIa. Nephroblastomas and other nonepithelial renal tumors 88 7,5 8,7 117,1 0,7 VIb. Renal carcinomas 4 0,3 0,3 4,9 0,8 VIc. Unspecified malignant renal tumors VII. Hepatic tumors 19 1,6 1,9 25,9 1,8 VIIa. Hepatoblastomas 17 1,4 1,7 22 1,8 VIIb. Hepatic carcinomas 2 0,2 0,2 3,3 1,8 VIIc. Unspecified malignant hepatic tumors 0 0 0 0,2 0 VIII. Malignant bone tumors 89 7,6 6,8 111,7 1,1 VIIIa. Osteosarcomas 43 3,7 3,2 53,7 0,9 VIIIb. Chondrosarcomas 2 0,1 0,1 2,2 0,8 VIIIc. Ewing tumors and related bone sarcomas 41 3,5 3,2 52,3 1,5 VIIId. Other specified malignant bone tumors 3 0,2 0,2 3 1 VIIIe. Unspecified malignant bone tumors 1 0,1 0,1 1,1 1,4 IX. Soft tissue and other extraosseous sarcomas 106 9,1 9,4 137,9 1,3 IXa. Rhabdomyosarcomas 59 5 5,4 76,8 1,2 IXb. Fibrosarcomas, peripheral nerve sheath tumors, and other fibrous neoplasms 9 0,7 0,8 11,3 1,4 IXc. Kaposi sarcomas IXd. Other specified soft tissue sarcomas 31 2,6 2,6 39,5 1,4 IXe. Unspecified soft tissue sarcomas 8 0,7 0,7 10,4 1,3 X. Germ-cell tumors, trophoblastic tumors, and neoplasms of gonads 64 5,4 5,5 82,8 0,7 Xa. Intracranial and intraspinal germ cell tumors 24 2 1,9 30,5 2,3 Xb. Malignant extracranial and extragonadal germ cell tumors 16 1,3 1,7 21,8 0,5 Xc. Malignant gonadal germ cell tumors 22 1,9 1,8 28,2 0,3 Xd. Gonadal carcinomas 1 0,1 0,1 1 0 Xe. Other and unspecified malignant gonadal tumors 1 0,1 0,1 1,2 0,2 XI. Other malignant epithelial neoplasms and malignant melanomas 65 5,6 5 82 0,7 XIa. Adrenocortical carcinomas 4 0,3 0,4 5,2 0,7 XIb. Thyroid carcinomas 23 2 1,8 29,3 0,4 XIc. Nasopharyngeal carcinomas 4 0,3 0,3 5 3,2 XId. Malignant melanomas 8 0,7 0,7 10,3 0,8 XIe. Skin carcinomas 3 0,3 0,3 4,3 0,7 XIf. Other and unspecified carcinomas 22 1,9 1,6 27,5 0,8 XII. Other and unspecified malignant neoplasms 6 0,5 0,6 8,2 1 XIIa. Other specified malignant tumors 6 0,5 0,5 7,2 1 XIIb. Other unspecified malignant tumors 1 0 0 0,5 1 Total 1817 155,7 161,2 2355,5 1,1 ASR: age standardised incidence rate Annual number of cases (N), crude, age standardised and cumulative incidence rate of childhood cancer, and sex ratio (mainland France, 2014-2020). -
Temporal variation in the incidence of childhood cancers in metropolitan France over the period 2000-2016.
Diagnostic groups and subgroups N AAPC (%) CI95% p I. Leukemias, myeloproliferative diseases, and myelodysplastic diseases 8 503 0.1 [-0.3;0.6] 0.51 I.a Lymphoid leukemias 6 678 0.3 [-0.2;0.8] 0.18 I.b Acute myeloid leukemias 1 231 -0.5 [-1.6;0.7] 0.43 II. Lymphomas and reticuloendothelial neoplasms 3 258 -0.4 [-1.1;0.3] 0.22 II.a Hodgkin lymphomas 1 480 0.5 [-0.5;1.6] 0.34 II.b Non-Hodgkin lymphomas (except Burkitt lymphomas) 983 -0.7 [-2.0;0.6] 0.29 II.c Burkitt lymphomas 788 -1.9 [-3.3;-0.5] < 0.01 III. CNS and miscellaneous intracranial and intraspinal neoplasms 7 500 1.2 [0.7;1.7] < 0.01 III.a Ependymomas and choroid plexus tumors 709 0.5 [-1.0;2.0] 0.52 III.b Astrocytomas 2 798 1.3 [0.5;2.0] < 0.01 III.c Intracranial and intraspinal embryonal tumors 1 422 0.0 [-1.1;1.0] 0.96 III.d Other gliomas 1 017 0.5 [-0.7;1.8] 0.40 III.e Other specified intracranial and intraspinal neoplasms 1 436 3.2 [2.1;4.3] < 0.01 IV. Neuroblastomas and other peripheral nervous cell tumors 2 404 -0.5 [-1.3;0.3] 0.20 IV.a Neuroblastomas and ganglioneuroblastomas 2 372 -0.5 [-1.4;0.3] 0.19 V. Retinoblastomas 849 -0.4 [-1.8;1.0] 0.57 VI. Renal tumors 1 637 -0.5 [-1.5;0.5] 0.29 VI.a Nephroblastomas and other nonepithelial renal tumors 1 583 -0.4 [-1.4;0.6] 0.41 VII. Hepatic tumors 304 1.8 [-0.5;4.2] 0.12 VII.a Hepatoblastomas 256 2.0 [-0.6;4.6] 0.13 VIII. Malignant bone tumors 1 422 0.4 [-0.7;1.5] 0.47 VIII.a Osteosarcomas 660 -0.2 [-1.8;1.3] 0.78 VIII.c Ewing tumors and related bone sarcomas 657 1.6 [0.0;3.2] 0.05 IX. Soft tissue and other extraosseous sarcomas 1 882 -0.1 [-1.1;0.8] 0.76 IX.a Rhabdomyosarcomas 1 019 0.0 [-1.3;1.2] 0.94 IX.b Fibrosarcomas, peripheral nerve sheath tumors, and other fibrous neoplasms 139 0.7 [-2.6;4.2] 0.68 IX.d Other specified soft tissue sarcomas 579 -0.5 [-2.2;1.1] 0.52 IX.e Unspecified soft tissue sarcomas 141 0.5 [-2.8;4.0] 0.76 X. Germ-cell tumors, trophoblastic tumors, and neoplasms of gonads 1 113 -0.9 [-2.1;0.2] 0.12 X.a Intracranial and intraspinal germ cell tumors 423 0.0 [-1.9;2.0] 0.99 X.b Malignant extracranial and extragonadal germ cell tumors 291 -2.1 [-4.4;0.2] 0.08 X.c Malignant gonadal germ cell tumors 369 -1.3 [-3.3;0.8] 0.21 XI. Other malignant epithelial neoplasms and malignant melanomas 1 024 1.4 [0.1;2.7] 0.03 XI.b Thyroid carcinomas 411 -1.3 [-3.3;0.6] 0.19 XI.d Malignant melanomas 186 -1.2 [-4.0;1.8] 0.44 XII. Other and unspecified malignant neoplasms 70 4.8 [-0.2;10.0] 0.06 All cancers (excluding Langherhans cell histiocytosis) 29 966 0.3 [0.0;0.5] 0.03 Langherhans cell histiocytosis 118 -1.0 [-4.6;2.7] 0.6 All cancers (including Langherhans cell histiocytosis) 30 084 0.3 [0.0;0.5] 0.03 AAPC: average annual percent change in incidence rate (estimated by Poisson regression model)
Survival statistics
Overall survival was estimated by the Kaplan-Meier method, using Greenwood’s variance formula. The survival curves of the different groups were compared using the Log-rank test.
Over the period 2000-2014, 26,124 cases of pediatric cancers were recorded by the RNCE. The overall survival rate for these children is estimated at 92% one year after diagnosis, and 82% five years after diagnosis.
Survival after childhood cancer improved between 2000 and 2014, from 81% to 83%, 5 years after diagnosis. This positive trend was observed for most diagnostic groups, notably leukemias (83% to 86%) and brain tumors (71% to 74%).
Estimation of 1-year, 2-year, and 5-year survival rates of childhood cancers in metropolitan France, by diagnostic group (2000-2016).
Overall survival rates (IC95%) Diagnostic groups and subgroups N 1y-OS 2y-OS 5y-OS I. Leukemias, myeloproliferative diseases, and myelodysplastic diseases 8503 94.1 [93.6-94.6] 90.4 [89.7-91.0] 86.1 [85.3-86.8] I.a Lymphoid leukemias 6678 96.4 [95.9-96.8] 93.8 [93.1-94.3] 90.0 [89.3-90.7] I.b Acute myeloid leukemias 1231 84.6 [82.5-86.5] 76.6 [74.1-78.9] 70.2 [67.5-72.7] II. Lymphomas and reticuloendothelial neoplasms 3258 96.9 [96.3-97.5] 95.4 [94.6-96.1] 94.3 [93.4-95.1] II.a Hodgkin lymphomas 1480 99.6 [99.1-99.8] 98.8 [98.0-99.2] 97.7 [96.8-98.4] II.b Non-Hodgkin lymphomas (except Burkitt lymphomas) 983 94.6 [93.0-95.9] 91.4 [89.4-93.0] 89.5 [87.4-91.3] II.c Burkitt lymphomas 788 94.9 [93.1-96.3] 94.3 [92.4-95.7] 94.0 [92.0-95.4] III. CNS and miscellaneous intracranial and intraspinal neoplasms 7500 85.7 [84.9-86.5] 79.3 [78.4-80.2] 74.4 [73.4-75.4] III.a Ependymomas and choroid plexus tumors 709 91.4 [89.0-93.2] 85.9 [83.1-88.2] 74.6 [71.1-77.8] III.b Astrocytomas 2798 92.7 [91.7-93.6] 88.8 [87.6-89.9] 87.0 [85.6-88.2] III.c Intracranial and intraspinal embryonal tumors 1422 75.4 [73.1-77.6] 66.0 [63.4-68.4] 55.7 [53.0-58.4] III.d Other gliomas 1017 62.3 [59.2-65.2] 44.8 [41.7-47.8] 38.7 [35.6-41.7] III.e Other specified intracranial and intraspinal neoplasms 1436 97.7 [96.8-98.4] 96.5 [95.4-97.4] 95.3 [94.1-96.3] IV. Neuroblastomas and other peripheral nervous cell tumors 2404 92.0 [90.8-93.0] 85.6 [84.1-86.9] 76.4 [74.6-78.1] IV.a Neuroblastomas and ganglioneuroblastomas 2372 92.0 [90.8-93.0] 85.5 [84.0-86.9] 76.2 [74.4-77.9] V. Retinoblastomas 849 99.5 [98.7-99.8] 99.5 [98.7-99.8] 99.3 [98.4-99.7] VI. Renal tumors 1637 96.8 [95.8-97.6] 94.5 [93.3-95.5] 92.7 [91.3-93.9] VI.a Nephroblastomas and other nonepithelial renal tumors 1583 97.0 [96.0-97.7] 94.8 [93.6-95.8] 93.0 [91.6-94.2] VII. Hepatic tumors 304 90.4 [86.5-93.3] 86.5 [82.1-89.8] 83.1 [78.4-87.0] VII.a Hepatoblastomas 256 91.0 [86.8-93.9] 86.3 [81.4-90.0] 85.4 [80.5-89.2] VIII. Malignant bone tumors 1422 94.4 [93.1-95.5] 87.0 [85.1-88.6] 74.1 [71.7-76.4] VIII.a Osteosarcomas 660 93.0 [90.8-94.7] 85.7 [82.7-88.1] 71.3 [67.5-74.7] VIII.c Ewing tumors and related bone sarcomas 657 95.9 [94.1-97.2] 87.9 [85.2-90.2] 75.4 [71.8-78.7] IX. Soft tissue and other extraosseous sarcomas 1882 90.2 [88.7-91.4] 81.8 [80.0-83.5] 72.5 [70.4-74.6] IX.a Rhabdomyosarcomas 1019 92.5 [90.7-94.0] 83.5 [81.0-85.6] 73.0 [70.1-75.7] IX.b Fibrosarcomas, peripheral nerve sheath tumors, and other fibrous neoplasms 139 92.8 [87.0-96.1] 87.1 [80.2-91.6] 81.2 [73.3-86.9] IX.d Other specified soft tissue sarcomas 579 86.2 [83.1-88.7] 79.4 [75.9-82.5] 70.9 [66.9-74.5] IX.e Unspecified soft tissue sarcomas 141 86.5 [79.7-91.2] 74.4 [66.4-80.8] 66.8 [58.1-74.1] X. Germ-cell tumors, trophoblastic tumors, and neoplasms of gonads 1113 96.5 [95.2-97.4] 95.0 [93.5-96.1] 94.1 [92.5-95.3] X.a Intracranial and intraspinal germ cell tumors 423 96.6 [94.4-98.0] 95.1 [92.6-96.8] 94.3 [91.6-96.2] X.b Malignant extracranial and extragonadal germ cell tumors 291 93.5 [90.0-95.8] 92.1 [88.3-94.7] 90.9 [86.9-93.7] X.c Malignant gonadal germ cell tumors 369 98.9 [97.1-99.6] 98.3 [96.4-99.3] 97.8 [95.6-98.9] XI. Other malignant epithelial neoplasms and malignant melanomas 1024 96.5 [95.1-97.5] 95.0 [93.4-96.2] 93.3 [91.5-94.7] XI.b Thyroid carcinomas 411 99.3 [97.7-99.8] 99.3 [97.7-99.8] 99.0 [97.3-99.6] XI.d Malignant melanomas 186 92.3 [87.4-95.4] 91.2 [86.0-94.5] 87.4 [81.5-91.5] XII. Other and unspecified malignant neoplasms 70 86.6 [75.8-92.8] 80.5 [68.9-88.2] 78.9 [67.0-86.9] All cancers (excluding Langherhans cell histiocytosis) 29966 92.3 [92.0-92.6] 87.8 [87.4-88.2] 83.1 [82.6-83.5] Langherhans cell histiocytosis 118 93.9 [87.7-97.1] 93.1 [86.6-96.5] 93.1 [86.6-96.5] All cancers (including Langherhans cell histiocytosis) 30084 92.3 [92.0-92.6] 87.8 [87.4-88.2] 83.1 [82.7-83.5] -
Estimation of the 5-year survival rate of childhood cancers in metropolitan France, by diagnostic group and age group (2000-2016).
Diagnostic groups and subgroups OS < 1 year OS 1-4 years OS 5-9 years OS 10-14 years I. Leukemias, myeloproliferative diseases, and myelodysplastic diseases 61.2 [56.6-65.5] 89.9 [88.8-90.8] 89.2 [87.9-90.4] 80.8 [78.8-82.5] ** I.a Lymphoid leukemias 53.8 [46.4-60.7] 93.8 [92.9-94.6] 91.4 [90.1-92.6] 84.0 [81.9-86] ** I.b Acute myeloid leukemias 66.1 [58.9-72.4] 66.9 [61.9-71.3] 80.8 [75.6-85.1] 67.6 [62.4-72.3] ** II. Lymphomas and reticuloendothelial neoplasms 92.9 [59.1-99.0] 92.5 [89.3-94.8] 94.4 [92.7-95.7] 94.7 [93.5-95.6] II.a Hodgkin lymphomas - - 100.0 - 98.6 [96.3-99.5] 97.4 [96.3-98.2] II.b Non-Hodgkin lymphomas (except Burkitt lymphomas) 90.9 [50.8-98.7] 86.4 [79.9-90.9] 89.9 [85.9-92.7] 90.3 [87.2-92.7] II.c Burkitt lymphomas 100.0 - 96.0 [91.8-98.1] 95.1 [92.3-96.9] 90.4 [85.6-93.6] III. CNS and miscellaneous intracranial and intraspinal neoplasms 62.7 [58.2-66.9] 72.9 [71-74.6] 72.4 [70.6-74.2] 81.4 [79.7-83.1] ** III.a Ependymomas and choroid plexus tumors 70.5 [60.3-78.5] 67.9 [62.1-72.9] 79.9 [72.2-85.6] 86.9 [79.7-91.6] ** III.b Astrocytomas 82.5 [75.1-87.8] 94.3 [92.6-95.5] 82.9 [80.3-85.3] 82.5 [79.4-85.1] ** III.c Intracranial and intraspinal embryonal tumors 26.1 [18.7-34.1] 38.1 [33.8-42.3] 69.1 [64.6-73.1] 79.1 [73.3-83.8] ** III.d Other gliomas 67.2 [50.3-79.5] 44.5 [38.2-50.5] 26.2 [22.0-30.6] 47.0 [41.3-52.6] ** III.e Other specified intracranial and intraspinal neoplasms 84.2 [71.9-91.5] 94.2 [90.5-96.5] 95.6 [93.2-97.1] 96.7 [94.9-97.8] ** IV. Neuroblastomas and other peripheral nervous cell tumors 90.7 [88.6-92.4] 67.2 [64.3-70.0] 66.1 [59.7-71.8] 71.4 [60.0-80.0] ** IV.a Neuroblastomas and ganglioneuroblastomas 90.7 [88.7-92.5] 67.1 [64.2-69.9] 66.2 [59.7-71.9] 62.8 [49.4-73.6] ** V. Retinoblastomas 99.5 [97.9-99.9] 99.0 [97.5-99.6] 100.0 - 100.0 - VI. Renal tumors 88.3 [83.5-91.9] 94.3 [92.7-95.6] 93.2 [89.8-95.5] 81.9 [70.3-89.3] ** VI.a Nephroblastomas and other nonepithelial renal tumors 88.3 [83.5-91.9] 94.3 [92.7-95.6] 93.3 [89.8-95.6] 85.0 [69.6-93.0] ** VII. Hepatic tumors 89.9 [80.8-94.8] 87.3 [80.8-91.7] 74.4 [55.0-86.4] 62.4 [45.5-75.4] ** VII.a Hepatoblastomas 89.7 [80.5-94.7] 87.5 [80.8-91.9] 74.6 [51.9-87.7] 44.4 [13.6-71.9] ** VIII. Malignant bone tumors 85.7 [33.4-97.9] 74.2 [63.2-82.4] 75.2 [70.5-79.2] 73.6 [70.5-76.4] VIII.a Osteosarcomas 100.0 - 57.1 [28.4-78.0] 71.1 [63.4-77.4] 71.7 [67.2-75.7] VIII.c Ewing tumors and related bone sarcomas 80.0 [20.4-96.9] 78.4 [65.6-86.9] 77.4 [70.7-82.7] 73.9 [68.9-78.2] IX. Soft tissue and other extraosseous sarcomas 69.8 [62.9-75.8] 75.2 [71.4-78.5] 75.3 [71.2-78.9] 68.2 [64.1-72.0] ** IX.a Rhabdomyosarcomas 84.6 [73.3-91.4] 76.3 [71.9-80.0] 72.9 [67.5-77.6] 60.8 [53.1-67.6] ** IX.b Fibrosarcomas, peripheral nerve sheath tumors, and other fibrous neoplasms 88.7 [76.5-94.7] 91.7 [53.9-98.8] 82.6 [60.0-93.1] 67.2 [50.7-79.3] IX.d Other specified soft tissue sarcomas 39.0 [26.7-51.1] 72.7 [63.0-80.3] 79.2 [71.3-85.2] 72.6 [66.8-77.6] ** IX.e Unspecified soft tissue sarcomas 56.3 [29.5-76.2] 49.7 [27.4-68.5] 74.5 [56.4-85.9] 71.0 [57.8-80.7] X. Germ-cell tumors, trophoblastic tumors, and neoplasms of gonads 91.3 [87.1-94.2] 96.3 [92.7-98.1] 96.9 [92.6-98.7] 93.5 [90.7-95.4] * X.a Intracranial and intraspinal germ cell tumors 91.6 [76.1-97.2] 93.4 [84.8-97.2] 95.6 [88.6-98.3] 94.5 [90.3-96.9] X.b Malignant extracranial and extragonadal germ cell tumors 89.1 [83.5-92.9] 96.2 [88.6-98.8] 100.0 - 85.7 [66.1-94.4] X.c Malignant gonadal germ cell tumors 100.0 - 100.0 - 100.0 - 96.0 [92.1-98.0] XI. Other malignant epithelial neoplasms and malignant melanomas 96.9 [79.8-99.6] 87.5 [79.0-92.7] 93.1 [88.6-95.8] 94.0 [91.8-95.6] XI.b Thyroid carcinomas 100.0 - 100.0 - 98.8 [91.5-99.8] 98.9 [96.6-99.6] XI.d Malignant melanomas 100.0 - 81.0 [62.5-91.0] 89.3 [76.2-95.4] 88.3 [79.9-93.4] XII. Other and unspecified malignant neoplasms 100.0 - 76.5 [58.4-87.5] 85.7 [33.4-97.9] 58.6 [26.7-80.6] All cancers (excluding Langherhans cell histiocytosis) 81.3 [79.9-82.7] 83.3 [82.6-84.1] 82.6 [81.7-83.4] 83.7 [82.9-84.5] ** Langherhans cell histiocytosis 87.2 [73.8-94.1] 96.4 [86.2-99.1] 100.0 - 100.0 - All cancers (including Langherhans cell histiocytosis) 81.4 [80.0-82.8] 83.4 [82.7-84.1] 82.6 [81.7-83.4] 83.8 [82.9-84.6] ** ** pvalue <0.01 * pvalue < 0.05 -
Temporal evolution of the 5-year survival rate of childhood cancers between 2000 and 2016, estimated by diagnostic group and period.
Diagnostic groups and subgroups 2000-2004 2005-2009 2010-2016 p I. Leukemias, myeloproliferative diseases, and myelodysplastic diseases 83.0 [81.4-84.4] 87.0 [85.6-88.3] 87.6 [86.4-88.7] ** I.a Lymphoid leukemias 89.2 [87.7-90.5] 91.0 [89.6-92.2] 89.9 [88.6-91.0] I.b Acute myeloid leukemias 59.4 [54.3-64.1] 71.4 [66.2-76.0] 78.2 [74.2-81.7] ** II. Lymphomas and reticuloendothelial neoplasms 93.6 [91.8-94.9] 93.2 [91.4-94.7] 95.8 [94.6-96.8] * II.a Hodgkin lymphomas 96.7 [94.5-98.0] 96.7 [94.4-98.1] 99.3 [98.2-99.7] ** II.b Non-Hodgkin lymphomas (except Burkitt lymphomas) 91.2 [87.3-93.9] 86.6 [82.1-90.1] 90.5 [87.0-93.2] II.c Burkitt lymphomas 91.4 [87.3-94.3] 95.2 [91.4-97.3] 95.4 [92.3-97.3] III. CNS and miscellaneous intracranial and intraspinal neoplasms 71.1 [69.1-73.0] 74.7 [72.8-76.5] 76.5 [75.0-78.0] ** III.a Ependymomas and choroid plexus tumors 62.5 [55.3-68.9] 77.6 [71.2-82.8] 80.8 [75.3-85.1] ** III.b Astrocytomas 86.9 [84.4-89.1] 88.1 [85.5-90.2] 86.4 [84.3-88.2] III.c Intracranial and intraspinal embryonal tumors 52.2 [47.3-56.9] 55.4 [50.4-60.1] 59.0 [54.6-63.1] III.d Other gliomas 35.8 [30.2-41.5] 39.5 [34.0-44.9] 40.2 [35.4-45.0] III.e Other specified intracranial and intraspinal neoplasms 93.8 [90.6-95.9] 95.8 [93.3-97.4] 95.7 [93.7-97.1] IV. Neuroblastomas and other peripheral nervous cell tumors 72.7 [69.3-75.8] 75.3 [72.0-78.3] 80.3 [77.5-82.9] ** IV.a Neuroblastomas and ganglioneuroblastomas 72.5 [69.1-75.7] 75.2 [71.8-78.2] 80.1 [77.2-82.7] ** V. Retinoblastomas 99.2 [96.8-99.8] 98.5 [96.0-99.4] 100.0 - VI. Renal tumors 91.6 [88.7-93.7] 92.9 [90.3-94.9] 93.3 [91.0-95.0] VI.a Nephroblastomas and other nonepithelial renal tumors 92.0 [89.1-94.2] 92.9 [90.3-94.9] 93.7 [91.4-95.4] VII. Hepatic tumors 83.1 [72.2-90.0] 78.3 [68.7-85.3] 87.0 [79.8-91.7] VII.a Hepatoblastomas 86.9 [75.5-93.2] 82.0 [71.6-88.9] 87.1 [79.5-92.0] VIII. Malignant bone tumors 74.6 [70.0-78.5] 75.2 [70.7-79.1] 73.1 [68.9-76.8] VIII.a Osteosarcomas 73.1 [66.3-78.7] 74.1 [66.9-79.9] 68.0 [61.5-73.6] VIII.c Ewing tumors and related bone sarcomas 74.7 [67.4-80.6] 74.1 [67.4-79.7] 77.0 [71.1-81.9] IX. Soft tissue and other extraosseous sarcomas 69.0 [64.8-72.7] 73.5 [69.7-77.0] 74.8 [71.4-77.8] IX.a Rhabdomyosarcomas 67.4 [61.6-72.4] 74.3 [69.0-78.8] 76.6 [71.9-80.5] IX.b Fibrosarcomas, peripheral nerve sheath tumors, and other fibrous neoplasms 74.4 [57.6-85.3] 80.0 [64.0-89.5] 87.9 [76.1-94.0] IX.d Other specified soft tissue sarcomas 72.1 [64.6-78.3] 71.3 [63.9-77.4] 69.6 [62.9-75.2] IX.e Unspecified soft tissue sarcomas 60.0 [43.2-73.3] 70.7 [54.3-82.2] 70.3 [56.4-80.5] X. Germ-cell tumors, trophoblastic tumors, and neoplasms of gonads 92.3 [88.9-94.7] 93.1 [89.8-95.3] 96.5 [94.3-97.9] X.a Intracranial and intraspinal germ cell tumors 91.8 [85.3-95.5] 94.0 [87.9-97.1] 96.5 [92.4-98.4] X.b Malignant extracranial and extragonadal germ cell tumors 92.2 [84.4-96.2] 85.1 [76.2-90.9] 95.3 [89.1-98.0] * X.c Malignant gonadal germ cell tumors 95.7 [90.0-98.2] 98.3 [93.2-99.6] 99.2 [94.7-99.9] XI. Other malignant epithelial neoplasms and malignant melanomas 92.8 [89-95.4] 93.3 [89.6-95.7] 93.3 [90.5-95.4] XI.b Thyroid carcinomas 98.2 [93.0-99.5] 100.0 - 98.5 [93.9-99.6] XI.d Malignant melanomas 84.1 [71.6-91.4] 87.2 [73.6-94.0] 90.2 [80.3-95.3] XII. Other and unspecified malignant neoplasms 57.1 [28.4-78.0] 90.0 [65.6-97.4] 81.8 [63.9-91.4] All cancers (excluding Langherhans cell histiocytosis) 80.8 [79.9-81.6] 83.3 [82.5-84.1] 84.6 [83.9-85.2] ** Langherhans cell histiocytosis 94.3 [79.0-98.5] 97.1 [80.9-99.6] 89.1 [75.7-95.3] All cancers (including Langherhans cell histiocytosis) 80.8 [80.0-81.7] 83.3 [82.5-84.1] 84.6 [83.9-85.3] ** ** pvalue <0.01; * pvalue < 0.05