

From the National Registry of Childhood Cancers, a Childhood Cancer Observational Platform (CCOP) has been established to promote research on paediatric cancers.

The platform is funded by INCa and is part of the HOPE-EPI project funded by ANR as part of the Future Investments Program (PIA).

It integrates several databases:

  • The systematic tracking by the national cohort COHOPER, which allows for monitoring the health and quality of life evolution of individuals who have had cancer during childhood,
  • From the National Registry of Childhood Cancers, a Childhood Cancer Observational Platform (CCOP) has been established to promote research on paediatric cancers. These pieces of information are enriched by data from the PediaRT radiotherapy database (led by Dr. V. Bernier-Chastagner).
  • Research on environmental risk factors through geolocation with the GEOCAP program,
  • The virtual biobank BIOCAP, linked to the registries, which is expected to ultimately enhance translational research in pediatric oncology.

The CCOP is carried out by the Inserm EPICEA team (Epidemiology of Childhood and Adolescent Cancers) within the CRESS (Research Centre in Epidemiology and Statistics) UMR1153.

The CCOP (HOPE-EPI project), like 10 other Investissements d’Avenir cohorts, has benefited since 2022 from the support of France Cohortes, established by Inserm to pool technical and human resources for the sustainability of ongoing cohorts.

2000 25 000 16 000 The COHOPER cohort's systematic follow-up start year patients included in a systematic COHOPER follow-up biological samples referenced for those patients in the BIOCAP database

Objectives The COHOPER cohort allows systematic epidemiological surveillance of the people who had a cancer in childhood. It is based on records of the certified National Childhood Cancer Registry (RNCE). It was set up in

Objectives The main objective of the BIOCAP data repository is to allow researchers working on childhood cancer, to access data on tumour samples and other biological samples, incremented by information from the RNCE. These samples

Treatments / PediaRT The National Childhood Cancer Registry has been collecting detailed data on treatments since it received ANR funding under the “Investissement d’Avenir” program. These treatment data are supplemented by the response to treatment

GEOCAP program The overall aim of the GEOCAP program is to study the influence of environmental exposures on childhood cancer risk, based on the spatial coordinates of the place of residence. The program is based