


The Childhood Cancer & Leukemia International Consortium ( was established in 2007, initially to bring together studies on the etiology of childhood leukemias. Founded by teams from Berkeley, Montreal, Perth, and our team, CLIC now brings together 39 researchers from 19 countries and extends to solid tumors. It is coordinated by Logan Spector, Minneapolis.

The EPICEA team contributes to CLIC through its ESCALE and ESTELLE studies and through two previous studies (ADELE and ELECTRE, 1995-1998) dedicated to leukemia.

Metayer C, Milne E, Clavel J, Infante-Rivard C, Petridou E, Taylor M, Schüz J, Spector LG, Dockerty JD, Magnani C, Pombo-de-Oliveira MS, Sinnett D, Murphy M, Roman E, Monge P, Ezzat S, Mueller BA, Scheurer ME, Armstrong BK, Birch J, Kaatsch P, Koifman S, Lightfoot T, Bhatti P, Bondy ML, Rudant J, O’Neill K, Miligi L, Dessypris N, Kang AY, Buffler PA. The childhood leukemia international consortium. Cancer Epidemiol 2013:37(3):336-47.

Current projects:

Data from the ESCALE and ESTELLE case-control studies are included in ongoing CLIC projects

  • International study of genetic predisposition to childhood lymphoblastic leukemias (principal investigators: L Spector, S Basu, University of Minnesota, USA)
  • International study of genetic predisposition to medulloblastomas and ependymomas (principal investigator: M Scheurer, Baylor College of Medicine, USA)
  • International study of the link between breastfeeding and the risk of childhood brain tumors (principal investigator: M Scheurer, Baylor College of Medicine, USA)